GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – People all over the country continue to protest the possible end of Roe v. Wade, including here in northeast Wisconsin.
Dozens of people gathered Sunday afternoon at Leicht Park in Green Bay to defend women’s reproductive choices.
“We could be losing access to abortion here in Wisconsin in the next few weeks,” said Alyssa Lentz, campaign organizer with Planned Parenthood advocates of Wisconsin.
The group rallied with signs, and shared information as they made their way to the Brown County courthouse.
The rally is one of many that have been taking place all over the country in recent weeks, since the Supreme Court’s draft decision on Roe v. Wade leaked.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortions in Wisconsin could become illegal.
“We really need folks to have the access to things that will ensure them reproductive justice,” said Lentz. “One of the things that does that is access to safe and legal abortion, with the Supreme Court leak that puts us in extreme jeopardy.”
The state has an 1849 law, which makes abortion a crime, unless a woman’s life is in danger.
“Abortion is a necessary, normal and common medical procedure that helps folks make life a little easier,” said Lentz.
Although Kathy Cain, leader of 40 Days of Life, disagrees.
“Our view is that every life is sacred, from conception until natural death and for an abortion to be successful, an innocent human life has to be killed.”
When the Planned Parenthood in Ashwaubenon is open, 40 Days for Life members can be seen walking the sidewalks with signs nearby.
“We are out here on a regular basis walking and praying for an end to abortion,” said Cain. “But to also help those in the abortion industry walk away and also to help those who have been through the abortion to find healing and mercy because they suffered greatly.”
Those at the rally say they are raising awareness to keep all options open.
Both sides say women facing pregnancy have options.
“Abortion is not health care,” said Cain. “Community centers out number Planned Parenthood 20 to one. Our Alexandrina Center here in Green Bay offers free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, free clothing, free formula and free diapers. Those are the kind of the resources we direct women to seek help at.”
“Abortion is health care, plain and simple,” said Lentz. “Lots of folks don’t have access to equitable parenting, access to clean water, access to health care and education. Without those things how can you make a real fair choice of whether you want to be a parent or not?”
The draft opinion from the Supreme Court indicates if Roe v. Wade is overturned, decisions about abortion would be left up to each state.