GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – A recommendation to close 12 buildings has formally been made to Green Bay’s school board.
Now the school board will spend the next month listening to public feedback before voting on a plan.
The Green Bay Area Public School District is looking to consolidate as it faces a $20 million budget deficit for the 2024-2025 school year.
Enrollment is also projected to decline about 12% over the next decade, and that’s with about 24% of classroom seats already being empty.
“It’s important that we act now,” said Lavesa Glover-Verhagen, a member of a community task force that looked at the issue over the past four months.
The task force, made up of 26 community members, researched the 42 buildings in the school district.
“It was clear maintaining the status quo and doing nothing is not an option,” said Reed Welsh, a member of the task force.
Leaders of the community group told the school board it should close MacArthur, Keller, Kennedy, Elmore, Tank, Beaumont, Doty and Wequiock Elementary schools, along with specialty schools Leonardo da Vinci and Minoka Hill, Washington Middle, and the three-story district office building on Broadway.
“Throughout the process, no school was targeted specifically for closure, remodel or redistricting for any reason other than adaptability, capacity and location,” said Welsh.
The recommendation also includes building a new elementary school on the west side, which would require approval through a referendum.
Franklin, Langlade and McAuliffe schools would convert to 4K-8th grade models.
Boundaries would also shift high school students west to allow for potential growth at Preble High School. However, a separate task force is expected to help redraw new boundaries.
“There is nothing with boundaries in here,” said Glover-Verhagen. “It’s solely just that facilities and educational adequacy.”
“These changes are going to bring loss for some of our families and a sense of grieving. The urgency to change is something we can’t avoid,” said Laura McCoy, the president of Green Bay’s Board of Education.
The public has several chances to weigh in on the plans before the school board votes on the final plan on June 5.
District officials say they’re confident this plan can be done without raising taxes because of retiring debt.
Any consolidation wouldn’t happen until after next school year and could be done in phases.
Table Top Discussions
Table Top Discussions will begin with a presentation of the Task Force recommendations by the group that has led the Task Force work (ATS&R). Participants will be assigned to a table and participate in a facilitated discussion about the recommendations. These opportunities allow individuals to not only share their thoughts and opinions, but to also hear each other’s perspectives. Notes will be collected and shared with the Board of Education.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
West High School Commons, 966 Shawano Avenue
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
East High School Commons, 1415 E. Walnut Street
Public Forum
This event will be held at Washington Middle School’s auditorium. Entrance to the school is in the parking lot behind the building. Each individual who signs up to speak will be given three minutes to share their feedback to the Board. The Board of Education will be present to listen only. Individuals wishing to speak will sign up in the auditorium foyer between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. The forum will last until everyone who has signed up has had an opportunity to speak.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
Washington Middle School auditorium, 314 S. Baird Street
Click here to see the full recommendation for the Green Bay Area Public School District’s facilities.