WiscoAg News
Agriculture is the backbone of America and especially important to us living here in the Midwest. Let us be your source of agricultural news including new trends, local farmer features, conservation, new technology and more.
How Joanna Can Help
With Joanna’s experience engaging listeners on-air and on social media, she is a wealth of knowledge to ensure your message will be noticed. Joanna has put together radio and digital campaigns that received millions of views and impressions. Communicate your end-goal and Joanna will help make it a reality.
Fill out the information below and we will be in contact with you.
Plambeck Award
Joanna earned the Plambeck Award through the National Association of Farm Broadcasters recognized for top creative farm broadcast advertising.
The Plambeck Award recognizes the best single and series radio commercials that air on NAFB stations and networks. It is the goal of NAFB to promote and recognize commercials designed to inform, influence, motivate, and entertain their target audiences. Submissions are judged by a third-party panel and NAFB past presidents.